Thursday, May 16, 2013

Google Glass Gets Lineup Of Major Apps

source: Google

Google Glass, an innovative idea from Google that allows one to stay connected through glasses, is now beefed up with even more apps. Now equipped with Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, the new device just might take the place of any smartphone or tablet.

During a "Developing for Glass" session at the Google I/O conference on Thursday, Google announced that several big name apps have been added to the high-tech glasses platform.
"We are all collectively figuring out what the best experience is with Glass," said Google's Senior Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan. 

Here's a glimpse at what some of the apps added to Google Glass:

Facebook - allows one to share photos from Glass with friends on the social media outlet.

Twitter - allows users to send and recieve tweets, get and respond to direct messages, and tweet photos.
source: mashable

Evernote - the apps has support for lists. For example, users could create a shopping list at home and use it while out at the store through Google Glass.

CNN - allows users to subscribe to different topics and pick their frequency. Completely customizable, the app lets users choose what type of news they want sent to their Glass and the time that those updates come in. 

Google Glass will be available to people who signed up and paid $1,500 for an early edition of the eye wear  There is not yet an app store available, but several apps are in development.
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