Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Feature: Free Your Inner Child (@TheHopeAlyssa)

As kids, we were all energetic and full of life at all times of the day. Yea, we would take naps, but only because we were forced to go to sleep right after snack time. Now, we gain weight easily (well I do) and most of us don’t exercise the way we should. What if losing weight and staying fit was as easy as pulling up to McDonald’s for an energy draining meal? Well it is. Here are a few tips for staying healthy as life and work kick our butts every day.

1. Jump! Jump!

Ahhhh, the jump rope. A tool used for dragging materials to build treehouses and embarrassing siblings all over the world for not being able to double-dutch. However, jumping rope can burn 11-20 calories per minute. 30 minutes of jump rope can make the difference between preparing to be summer time fine or staying inside until next winter because it’s too embarrassing to wear a 2-piece.

2. Hula Who?
Because this tool works out your abs and back, the hula hoop tones up your midsection like no other. Turn on one of those Spotify workout playlists and go to town. Even the First Lady likes to hula hoop.There are many colors to choose from and since this activity can burn 420-600 calories an hour, it is a good one to keep in mind.

3. Hop To It
Want to burn 75 calories in 15 minutes? Talk about being a hop, skip and a jump away from having the best body you’ve ever had. Hopscotch is a perfect way to build legs of steel. You can do this alone or with your family after a stuffing dinner. Find a piece of chalk and take it back to the good ole days before you understood the words “bills” and “slow metabolism.”

Staying in shape is not hard but staying active every day is an essential part of being healthy. Some of us have no desire to be Terry Crews or Serena Williams but we all should want to live past 50. Do these quick exercises throughout your day and your body will begin to have a better shape. Not only will you look better but exercise helps us feel better on the inside as well. Go ahead. It’s okay to act like a kid sometimes.

Written by: Hope Alyssa
Follow Hope at @TheHopeAlyssa
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